5 lb Gold Paydirt Unsearched & Huge Nugget Added Panning Dirt - BUY 3 GET 3 FREE For Sale

5 lb Gold Paydirt Unsearched & Huge Nugget Added Panning Dirt - BUY 3 GET 3 FREE
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5 lb Gold Paydirt Unsearched & Huge Nugget Added Panning Dirt - BUY 3 GET 3 FREE:




-simply checkout w/ 2 & we send 3

-simple checkout w/ 3 & we send 6

*special offer validto U.S. customers only


-5 Lb. Rich UnsearchedGold Panning Paydirt Concentrate

-Multiple units may ship in one or as few zip or heat-sealedshipping bags as possible.

-The richest, top of the line 100% unsearched Gold PanningPaydirt with GUARANTEED ADDED GOLD!

-Added bonus gold comes from working mines & claims allover North America.

-Your Best chance to find a lot of big Gold!! Find NUGGETS +PICKERS

-You have the chance to find added gold in varying amounts.

-Plus find naturally occurring gold inside of the unsearchedpaydirt!

-Rare ‘Motherload Units’ contain 2x to 5x the added Gold!! ‘MotherloadUnits’ typically occur at random and will typically be found 1 in 3 Units.


*The GOLDN PAYDIRT we offer is mined, created and comes to you directly from hard working U.S. GOLD MINERS! We work exclusively with Gold Minersto bring you their best, Gold! The Special Gold Nugget Paydirt Concentrate comes from a blend of Raw Paydirt from river deposits, stream deposits and valley deposits. All deposits are located in areas known for gold including the possibility of nuggets & chunky gold all found within historic Gold Regions of North America. Added gold comes from active gold mines and claims all over North America, we work directly with the miners to bring you the best around!

*The very first U.S. Gold Rush was located on the east coast and the old timers missed more rocks, minerals & gold imaginable!


-We offer discounted offers for US armed forces, justmessage us requesting one before purchasing.

-Printed panning instruction included with your GoldPaydirt.

-The Paydirt is classified (concentrated) for your panningconvenience! Of course it is always possible for bigger rocks + NUGGETS to slipthrough!!

-Return policy applies to **unopened & unaltered** itemsonly.

-The randomness of unsearched gold deposits, customer skill& customer recovery method determines just how much gold you will reveal.All gold results always vary.

-As with any Skill-Result Treasure Hunting Item we can neverguarantee you will find a specific amount of Gold. Gold Treasure Results AlwaysVary.

-No amounts, quantities, weights, values, sizes or qualitiesof gold or gold paydirt can ever be promised due to the random variance of theitem and varying user skill.

-We consider and refer to any and all types of visual gold as Nugget/s.

-You will need a gold pan to reveal the gold inside yourpaydirt, we do not include gold pans or anything other than Gold Paydirt.

-Anything you see in the item photos other than the GoldPaydirt is not included.

-The gold in the photos will not be the quantities you willreceive, received quantities will vary with each purchase.

-Since Gold Paydirt comes from creek gravels and sands thepaydirt generally consist of sands, dirts, pebbles, clays, blacksands, brokenup bedrock and of course gold.

-From time to time, organic material such as leaves, roots& even bugs can make it in the Gold Paydirt. You also may find raregarnets, river glass, quartz ore specimen and heavies such as old lead shot +more.

-Gold Paydirt generally comes from active water runningcreeks, we do our best to dry our Gold Paydirt but Gold Paydirt may be receiveddamp or wet.

-No percentages of material contained in the materialbreakdown making up the dirt is promised due to the random nature as found anddictated by Mother Nature.

-Actual received Gold Paydirt weight can vary above or belowthe stated/described amount.

-Our weight measurements are not troy units unless otherwisementioned. We use the United States customary unit system (ounces, pounds,etc..)

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