300 MIXED NEEDLES - LOUD+MEDIUM+SOFT Tones for Gramophone Phonograph Records For Sale

300 MIXED NEEDLES - LOUD+MEDIUM+SOFT Tones for Gramophone Phonograph Records
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300 MIXED NEEDLES - LOUD+MEDIUM+SOFT Tones for Gramophone Phonograph Records:

Your phonograph needle resource since 1991! NEW! 300 total steel Needles for Victor Victrola, Columbia, Silvertone, and many more brands.
100 Medium Volume in a pack
100 Soft Volume in a pack
100 Loud Volume in a pack

Serving the phonograph community; Resellers, Phonograph Enthusiasts
and Collectors all over the world since 1991!


Which Chamberlain brand needles do I buy? (Listed from Softest volume to Loudest)

Soft Tone Needles- Very good for apartments and for those who don’t want to wake the neighbors. They have the thinnest shafts of the tones.

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Medium Tone Needles- Provides a nice pleasant sound but with reduced volume making them perfect for use in a smaller room or area. The thickness of the shaft is skinnier than the Loud Tone needles, but thicker than the Soft Toned needles.

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Siren Spearpoint Needles - Very nice tones come from the “Siren”. She sings beautifully. A unique shape to the shaft. The shaft is about the same as the Loud tone and it produces a nice variety of highs and low tones.

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Loud Tone Needles- Great for most listening environments. They have the thickest diameter of shaft and tend to be the loudest in volume. You will hear the music across your entire home using these.

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Since 1991, Chamberlain Needles are manufactured to the same specifications that The Victor Talking Machine Co. developed 100 years ago. Chamberlain needles are for use with early 1900’s hand-crank phonographs/gramophones that have a thumbscrew that holds the needle into the reproducer.These needles will work on many reproducers; Victor, HMV, Columbia, Sonora, Sonata, Brunswick, Universal, United, Paramount, Silvertone, Zonophone,Berliner, and Victor Orthophonic, as well as hundreds of other manufacturers of this time. Chamberlain needles are suitable for playing 78 RPM shellac records. If you are not sure that these will fit your machine, please contact me with photos of your reproducer. Product of St. Paul, MN USA.

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Packaging will vary in design.• ________ •________ •Please read, Shipping/handling:
USA= Expect arrival in 3-9 days. USA Tracking is included.
Outside USA = will pay using PayPal only, expect arrival in 8-17 days.
Click on the shipping button below to get a shipping quote to your country.SEE MY OTHER PHONOGRAPH ITEMS in my store.
Trusted & Honest seller on and quick shipping. offer with confidence.
Read my repeat customer's response!
Thanks! John

Please note:Please be sure your record is meant to be played with a metal needle as the stylusbefore using them and you are using the correct equipment to do so.Metal needles are NOT meant for cylinder records, Pathé, and Edison Diamond Disc records. Those brands require a special stylus. All metal needles, no matter what manufacturer, are meant to be played once and discarded. So please keep this in mind when purchasing your pack quantities. .gramofonové jehly grammofon Needle Snáthaide Phonograph levysoitin Needle aiguille de phonographe פטיפון מחט fonográf tű
レコード針, fonografo Needle, Igła gramofonu, agulha de vitrola, fonógrafo aguja, Фонограф иглы, gramofónové ihly, 축음기 니들,


Quality Phonograph Needle merchant since 1991. Always quick to ship.
offer with confidence, see my response from returning customers.
Thanks! John

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